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Latest News2021-04-13T10:31:26+01:00
1205, 2024

Quality Counts !

Filterall can confirm they have retained their ISO 9001 accreditation without any identified non-conformance.

3112, 2023

Filterall focused on upgrades

In 2023 Filterall were increasingly involved in upgrades. Technical Manager Donovan Roberts explains "many Filterall units are still operating well after 10 or more years. Rather than replace plant which is perfectly good, we have been working with clients to upgrade their PLC and IT. We have also assisted clients in refurbishing trailers to house their equipment. Obviously it is a win/win to extend the life of the plant and improve its efficiency.

107, 2022

Filterall see big increase in customer training

During the last 12 months Filterall have seen a big increase in enquiries for training for customers. Engineering manager Donovan Roberts explains "With the increasing cost of operating assets, our clients are being very proactive in getting the best performance out of their Filterall plant. By coming to us for training, they can ensure that their operators are maximising the efficiency of their plant and minimising unnecessary downtime. We have tailored several training sessions for different needs, ranging from university students right through [...]

2307, 2021

Filterall quality confirmed

Filterall confirm that their ISO 9001 QA system was externally audited on 23/7/21. We are pleased to advise that the audit went well and ISO 9001 was maintained with zero non-conformances highlighted.

705, 2021


Filterall,  world class electrical oil filtration specialists, are pleased to launch their new website. Designed by Shane at Cyber-net Services ( the new website is designed specifically with the latest browsers and mobile phones in mind. Filterall IT consultant John walker says; "Filterall has been designing and supplying filters and equipment to the power sector for nearly half a century. Most customer contact is now web-based so a  constantly modernised website is what our clients expect. "

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